
Showing posts from November, 2012

Installing Drupal 7 using Drush

Drush is raealy handy to do the Drupal stuff ver quick and easy. If you haven't already installed Drush check Installing Drupal 7 with DRUSH is awsome, with just two simple commands, setting up MYSQL user and DB, note down the passwoprd, then run the following comman. Make sure to replace the user and passwords names for your local setup: drush dl drupal-7.x drush site-install standard --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin --db-url=mysql://MySQLUser:Password@localhost/MySQLDatabase ...and you're done. *Note: The Drupal username and password seemed to always end up as admin/admin. So, just using those and then changing them after you login to your new site.

Override Default Blog View

Drupal by default creates a blog view for evry use at To override this view with your custom one, create a page view of content type Blog Entry, with path as "blogs/%". Add "Content: Author" in Relationship. As you can see in below screen shot. Now you need to filter it by the author of content. In contextual filter use "(Author) user: Uid" with selection of "Specify Validation Criteria", Choose user as "Validator". See attached screen shot for this. And there you go. Now what ever url you set in path auto, it will get that automatically.