
Showing posts from July, 2010

How to fix Apache – “Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName” Error on UbuntuHow to fix Apache – “Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName” Error on Ubuntu

You may be facing the same following error while you were restarting/reloadig the Apache server on Ubuntu. tanvir@tanvir-laptop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload  * Reloading web server config apache2  apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName To fix that problem, you need to edit the httpd.conf file. Open the terminal and type, sudo gedit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf By default httpd.conf file will be blank. Now, simply add the following line to the file. ServerName localhost Save the file and exit from gEdit. Finally restart the server. sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Using rsync to make a backup - Linux

Suppose you have a directory called source, and you want to back it up into the directory destination. To accomplish that, you'd use: rsync -a source/ destination/ This command is equivalent to: cp -a source/. destination/ except that it's much more efficient if there are only a few differences. Just to whet your appetite, here's a way to do the same thing as in the example above, but with destination on a remote machine, over a secure shell: rsync -v -e ssh source/ Note: -v, --verbose     Display the names of files transferred and statistics related to the transfer. -e shell     Use shell (which can be a complete command with arguments, enclosed in quotes) to create the connection between two systems for file transfer.

How to install FileZilla FTP Software in Ubuntu

Being a web developer, we use to upload files to server using FTP's. Currently m using Ubuntu, I am using FilZilla here to upload my files.. Gotot your terminal and type the following command.. sudo aptitude install filezilla It asks you for password. Enter your password. Very easy right! Cheers. Find it on Applications > internet > FileZilla

PHP Eclipse syntax color change

I am using Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers Version: Helios Release and my path is as follows, Windows > Preferences > PHP > Editor > Syntax Coloring > Variable

Installing Eclipse on Ubuntu - Linux

To install it manually by downloading the Eclipse files from . You will need to install JRE or JDK first before you can run Eclipse. You can do this by typing this in the terminal. sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre Extract the Eclipse files to the /opt directory so that other users can have access to it. tar xzf eclipse-SDK-3.5.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz sudo mv eclipse /opt/eclipse Then create an eclipse executable in your path. sudo touch /usr/bin/eclipse sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/eclipse sudo gedit /usr/bin/eclipse Then type in the followings and save. #!/bin/sh #export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=”/usr/lib/mozilla/” export ECLIPSE_HOME=”/opt/eclipse” $ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $* Then create a gnome menu item. sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop Enter the following and save. [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Eclipse Comment=Eclipse IDE Exec=eclipse Icon=/opt/eclipse/icon.xpm Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=GNOME;A...

How to install Skype on Ubuntu

This will show you how to install a Skype client in Ubuntu & Debian base operating system. 1. First of all you need to start up Synaptic Package manager. Go to System->Synaptic Administration->Synaptic Package Manager, 2. From Synaptic, go to Settings->Repositories. Click on Third Party Software Tab. Click Add, and put on this line : deb stable non-free Click Add Sources. 3 Click Close, and Click 'Reload' at the top of Synaptic. Now you can search for Skype, and install it from Synaptic.

Text Field's Default Text

To show default text on a text field, that will be replaced when you type in that field... <input type="text" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='Enter your Name'" onfocus="if(this.value=='Enter your Name')this.value=''" value="Enter your Name" name="" class="text"> Example: Name: